EVENT DATE: June 14, 2018 It’s that time again, and we at Gifts for the Homeless already have our eyes set on the summer’s biggest rock show, the 15th ANNIVERSARY Banding Together – Battle of the Law Firm Bands. The show will once again be presented on two stages at...
“Banding Together” Battle of the Law Firm Bands Concert Raises Over $325,000 for D.C. Homeless The Unnamed Party Named Champion in Fourteenth Annual Charity Concert Competition Banding Together ’17 Champ Unnamed Party — collectively from law firms Fried...
GFTH is holdings its annual Used Clothing Drive on December 1-3, 2017. The fun remains the same, except note that we are hosting at a new site this year: 2300 N Street, NW, Washington, DC (just north of the Foggy Bottom Metro Station; parking also...
GFTH is pleased to announce that the Unnamed Party, the band comprised of members of Arent Fox, Hunton Williams, and Paul Hastings, is the 2016 Banding Together champion!! This is the third — yes, third! — time that the Unnamed Party has taken top Banding...